

Today i´m going tell you about my last weekend

I prepared to bought tickets for the cinema, txt (my favorite band) going to do a live concert this may 27, so the tickets was limited, when started i didn´t bought, all was sold out, the organitation of CineHoyts was so bad, they didn´t told the locations, the hour was no correct, they didn´t even say the value. While i was in the subway reloaded the page sadly, I was on my way to see my friends (i was late), when i arrived and reloaded again the page, I COULD BUY THEM. I was very lucky So i was so happy in that moment, only that we bought tickets at the CineHoyts La Reina, it´s far from my house, but that it´s the price of being fan. After that i saw my friends, and we bought Korean snacks and soju (alcoholic drink) in ChinaHouse of providencia, we went to my friend´s house to drink and talk, that was my first time in her house, so i met his parents and his dog,  my friend prepared fries, all my friends included me are really fries fan, it was all a lot of fun, we say funny things. we sing karaoke, and play uno.


  1. What a stroke of luck you had, how does soju taste? I've never tried it :0

    1. Soju is really good! we bought soju of grapes, and the normal. the normal is pure alcohol, like tequila. so i recommend the grape, because it taste better

  2. That sound so fun!! i want try soju too

  3. Respuestas
    1. yess, sake is japanese and soju is korean the process of both are different

  4. I'm glad you were able to get the tickets. You are very lucky.


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